Lindemann, T, La Ferlita, A, Kaeding, P (2024). Application of Idealized Structural Unit Method to Determine the Ultimate Strength of Ship Model in Bending, Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2024, June 9-14, 2024, Singapore, Singapore, OMAE2024-125843.
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2024). Formulation of Idealized Structural Unit Method to Perform Progressive Collapse Analyses of Welded Box Girders in Bending, Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2024, June 9-14, 2024, Singapore, Singapore, OMAE2024-125828.
Abbasi, M. Maaz., Asif, Adhil M., Kleinsorge, L., Kistner, G (2024). Analysis of the damping and added mass properties of the marine propeller, 8th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (smp 2024), Publisher: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Marine Technology, 607-614.
ISBN: 978-82-691120-5-4
DOI: 10.15480/882.9297
Mujtaba, A, Islam, F, Kaeding, P, Lindemann, T, Gangadhara Prusty, B (2023). Machine-learning based processmonitoring for automated composites manufacturing, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer, Published: 30 December 2023.
Lindemann, T, La Ferlita, A, Di Nardo, E, Kaeding, P (2023). Application of Different Methods to Determine the Ultimate Strength of Ships in Bending, Proceedings of the OMAE 2023 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, OMAE2023‑103731.
Ait Aider, C, Roß, L, Ehlers, S, Kaeding, P, Lindemann, T (2023). Integration of a tank storage solution for alternative fuels on a RoRo ship, Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures – Ringsberg & Guedes Soares (Eds). Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 3-5, MARSTRUCT 2023, 761-771.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003399759-84
Akkuş, Ö (2022). Evaluation of the Post-Accident Load Carrying Performance of Hatch Covers and an Innovative Design Proposal, Dissertation, Universität Rostock
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P, La Ferlita, A, Schenk, N, Aleksashin, D (2022). Determination of Ultimate Strength for a Bulk Carrier under Combined Loads, Proc of 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 09-13, PRADS2022, 348-364.
Boote, D, Vergassola, G, Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2022). A procedure to evaluate the fatigue contribution to the collapse of ship structural components, Proc 32nd Int Ocean and Polar Eng Conf, Shanghai, China, June 5–10, ISOPE, Vol 4: 3117-3123.
La Ferlita, A, Di Nardo, E, Macera, M, Lindemann, T, Ciaramella, A, Koulianos, N (2022). A Deep Neural Network to Predict the Residual Hull Girder Strength, Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, September 2022.
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2022-074
Lindemann, T, Okpeke, B E, La Ferlita, A, Mühmer, M, Kaeding, P (2022). Numerical Investigations on Ultimate Strength of a Double Hull VLCC under Combined Loads and Initial Imperfections, Proceedings of the OMAE 2022 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, OMAE2022‑80204.
Kistner, G, Lal, K, Klüss, J, Kaeding, P (2022). Procedure for Torsional‑Vibration Calculations in Ice, Proceedings of the OMAE 2022 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, OMAE2022‑80194.
La Ferlita, A, Di Nardo, E, Macera, M, Lindemann, T, Ciaramella, A, Kaeding, P (2022). Deep Neural Network (DNN) Method to Predict the Displacement Behavior of Neutral Axis for Ships in Vertical Bending, Progress in Marine Science and Technology 6, Technology and Science for the Ships of the Future, Proceedings of NAV 2022: 20th International Conference on Ship & Maritime Research, Genova and La Spezia, Italy, 15-17 June 2022, 95-103.
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P, Willsch, A, La Ferlita, A, Boote, D (2022). Investigations on Ultimate Strength for a Container Vessel Under Combined Loads, Progress in Marine Science and Technology 6, Technology and Science for the Ships of the Future, Proceedings of NAV 2022: 20th International Conference on Ship & Maritime Research, Genova and La Spezia, Italy, 15-17 June 2022, 684-691.
La Ferlita, A, Rathje, H, Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P, Bronsart, R (2021). An Advanced Salvage Method for Damaged Ship Structures, Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 2021.
Paper Number: SNAME-SMC-2021-046
Akkuş, Ö, Kaeding, P, Bayraktarkatal, E (2021). Post-Accident Load Carrying Performance of a Deformed Hatch Cover, Proc. of the 6th International E-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management - ICETM 2021, ISBN: 978-1-63248-193-1 DOI: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-193-1-02
Lindemann, T, Backhaus, E, Bi, Z, Kaeding, P (2020). Ultimate Strength of Box Girders considering Welding Residual Stresses, Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM2019), Varna, Bulgaria, 9-11 September 2019, 11-18.
Akkuş, Ö, Kaeding, P (2019). Impact Analysis in an Engineering Environment, Ships and Offshore Structures, 14:sup1, 231-238.
DOI: 10.1080/17445302.2019.1568706
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2019). Investigations on the Influence of Shear and Lateral Loads on the Collapse Behaviour of Plate Structures under Inplane Thrust, Ship Technology Research (Schiffstechnik), Taylor & Francis, Vol. 66, No. 1, 38-56.
Tietze, R, Klüss, J, Greitsch, L, Sobrado, JT dos Santos, Nakos, A, Lindemann, T, Kistner, J, Backhaus, E, Kaeding, P (2019). Elastische Verformungsmessungen an Propellern, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 113. Band, 1-5.
Kay, R, Garke, S, Zimmermann, M, Kistner, J, Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2019). Dynamisches Verhalten von Fenstern auf Passagierschiffen, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 113. Band, 25-32.
Rachholz, R, Schulze, A, Zierath, J, Woernle, C, Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P, Zimmermann, M, Garke, S (2019). Anwendung der operativen Modalanalyse am Beispiel eines Flusskreuzfahrtschiffes, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 113. Band, 17-25.
Kistner, J (2019). Erstellung einer Dimensionierungsgleichung zur Verwendung von Twistlocks in arktischen Regionen : development of a dimensioning equation for the use of twistlocks in arctic regions, Dissertation, Universität Rostock
Wurzler, T, Lindemann, T, Kistner, J, Kaeding, P (2018). Development of Parametric Simulation Models for Metal Forming Processes of Plate Structures, Proceedings of the OMAE 2018 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, OMAE2018-77110.
Kistner, J, Backhaus, E, Kaeding, P (2018). Verification of Twistlock Simulations for Modular Use in the Arctic, Proceedings of the OMAE 2018 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, OMAE2018-77111.
Akkuş, Ö, Kaeding, P (2018). Impact Analysis in an Engineering Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures, ICSOS 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Lettau, W-D, Kaeding, P (Hg.) (2017). Lebenslanges Lernen an Hochschulen (Einblicke in die Begleitforschung zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung), Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München
Oksina, A (2017). Implementation of Inertia and Damping Terms into the Idealized Structural Unit Method, Dissertation, Universität Rostock
Oksina, A, Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2017). Idealized Structural Unit Method for Dynamic Collapse Analysis of Plates, Proceedings of the OMAE 2017 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2017-61152
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2017). Application of the Idealized Structural Unit Method for Ultimate Strength Analyses of Stiffened Plate Structures, Ship Technology Research (Schiffstechnik), Taylor & Francis, Vol. 64, No. 1, 15-29
Lindemann, T (2016). Idealized Structural Unit Method zur Traglastberechnung von Plattenstrukturen unter axialer und lateraler Druckbeanspruchung, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 110. Band , 109-130
Oksina, A, Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P, Fujikubo, M (2016). Idealized Structural Unit Method - A Review of the Current Formulation, Proceedings of the OMAE 2016 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2016-54186
Lindemann, T, Backhaus, E, Kaeding, P (2016). Experimental Determination of the Ultimate Strength of Box Girder Specimens, Proceedings of the OMAE 2016 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2016-54140
Pais, T, Boote, D, Kaeding, P (2016). Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Absorber Materials for Steel Decks, Proc 26th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, Rhodes, Greece, ISOPE, Vol 4: 998-1004
Lindemann, T (2015). Idealized Structural Unit Method for Collapse Analyses of Plate Structures under Inplane and Lateral Loads, Dissertation, Universität Rostock
Tschullik, R (2015). Implementierung struktureller Topologieoptimierung in das schiffbauliche Konstruktionsumfeld, Dissertation, Universität Rostock
Committee Members (2015). Ultimate Strength, Report of Committee III.1, 19th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), Cascais, Portugal, Vol 1: 279-350
Kistner, J, Kaeding, P (2015). Validation of Twistlocks in Modular Offshore Platform Designs for the Arctic, Proceedings of the OMAE 2015 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2015-41721
Hoepke, J, Kaeding, P (2015). Numerical and Experimental Assessment of a Kort Nozzle Production Process, Proc 25th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, ISOPE, Vol 4: 962-967
Lindemann, T, Backhaus, E, Ulbertus, A, Oksina, A, Kaeding, P (2015). Investigations on the Dynamic Collapse Behaviour of Thin-Walled Structures and Plate Panels for Shipbuilding Applications, Proc 25th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, ISOPE, Vol 4: 1109-1116
Kaeding, P, Lindemann, T (2015). Load Carrying Capacity of a Hot Rolled Wing, Proc of 3rd Int Conf on Advances in Mechanical and Robotics Eng, Zurich, Switzerland, AMRE
Schenk, N, Kaeding, P (2015). Bewertung von FE-Modellen zur Bestimmung der Grenztragfähigkeit von Schiffsquerschnitten mit impliziten Lösungsverfahren unter Berücksichtigung der Common Structural Rules, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 109. Band, 1-10.
Michel, J., Kaeding, P., Garke, S. (2014). Simulations of Mountings on Offshore platforms in arctic regions, Proceedings of the OMAE 2014 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2014-23018
Lindemann, T, Backhaus, E, Kaeding, P (2014). Application of a Beam-Column Element Formulation for Ultimate Strength Analyses of Thin-Walled Structures, Proc 24th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Busan, pp 868-87
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2013). Investigations on the Influence of Particular Components of the Idealized Structural Unit Method (ISUM) for Collapse Analysis of Plate Structures, Proc 23rd Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Anchorage, pp 721-728
Michel, J, Kaeding, P (2013). DIMENSIONING OF TWISTLOCKS IN MODULAR OFFSHORE PLATFORM DESIGNS FOR ARCTIC REGIONS, Proceedings of the OMAE 2013 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2013-10012
Committee Members (2012). Ultimate Strength, Report of Committee III.1, 18th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), Rostock, Germany, Vol 1: 285-364
Krebes, K, Tober, G, Bojahr, M, Tschullik, R, Kaeding, P, Maier, P (2012). Research Study on Structural Low Carbon Steel Establishing a New Thick Plate Forming Process, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, pp 939-942
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2012). APPLICATION OF THE IDEALIZED STRUCTURAL UNIT METHOD TO COLLAPSE ANALYSIS OF SHIP STRUCTURES, Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Congress, TU Varna, Vol. V, pp 9-14
Lindemann, T, Klostermann, J, Kaeding, P (2012). Approaches to the Improvement of the Applicability of the Idealized Structural Unit Method for Collapse Analysis of Plate Structures, Proc 22nd Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Rhodes, pp 847-854
Michel, J, Kaeding, P (2012). ASSESSMENT OF CONTAINER MOUNTINGS IN MODULAR OFFSHORE PLATFORM DESIGNS FOR ARCTIC REGIONS, Proceedings of the OMAE 2012 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, OMAE2012-83021
Nötzold, N, Kaeding, P (2012). OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE ACCESS, Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Congress, TU Varna, Vol. V, pp 100-104
Tschullik, R, Schenk, S, Kaeding, P (2012). Efficient Use of an API in Ship Structural Design - A Biomechanical Optimization Example, Proc 22st Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Rhodes, pp 952-957
Bojahr M, Prommer H, Tschullik R, Kaeding P (2011). 3-Dimensional Forming of Thick Plates – A Comparison of Deep Drawing and an Approach of Rolling and Bending within a Single Process, 8th European Users Conference LS-DYNA, Strasbourg/France
Krebes K, Ruppin U, Tschullik R, Kaeding P (2011). Iterative Extrapolation Method of Test Data for Forming Simulations, XX. Internationale Tagung “Forschung, Praxis und Didaktik im modernen Maschinenbau”, Stralsund/Germany
Labecki R, Bojahr M, Tschullik R, Kaeding P (2011). Development of an Autonomous Meshing Tool for Multi-Dimensional Deformed Thick Plates, Proc 21st Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Maui/USA, pp 458-462
Lindemann, T, Kaeding, P (2011). Anwendung der "Idealized Structural Unit Method (ISUM)" zur Traglastberechnung schiffbaulicher Konstruktionen, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 105. Band, pp 9-18
Prommer H, Bojahr M, Tschullik R, Kaeding P (2011). The Use of FEA within the Design of a New Production Process – an Example, XX. Internationale Tagung “Forschung, Praxis und Didaktik im modernen Maschinenbau”, Stralsund/Germany
Prommer H, Bojahr M, Tschullik R, Kaeding P (2011). Thick Plate Rolling – a Numerical Approach in Comparison with Analytics and Experimental Data, The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Esaform 2011, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1353, Belfast/Northern Ireland, pp 1350-1355
Ruppin U, Nötzold N, Pentschew P, Kaeding P (2011). CNG - Technologies: A Comparison Study, Proc 21st Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Maui/USA, pp 19-25
Tschullik, R, Kaeding, P (2011). Untersuchungen zur Konstruktionsverbesserung mittels struktureller Topologieoptimierung im Vorschiffbereich, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 105. Band, pp 312-320
Lindemann, T, Kaeding P (2010). An Approach to Optimisation in Ship Structural Design using Finite Element and Optimisation Techniques, Proc 20th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Beijing/China, pp 803-808
Tschullik, R, Prommer H, Pentschew, P, Kaeding, P (2010). Design Concepts of Double Bottom Sections based on Topology Optimization, Proc 11th Symp Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, PRADS, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, pp 516-522
Tschullik, R, Prommer, H, Pentschew, P, Kaeding P (2010). A Concept of Topological Optimization for Bow Structures, 9th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT'10, Gubbio/Italy, pp 132-138
Doig, R, Kaeding, P (2009). Simulation of Multi-Body Systems in Waves, Proc 19th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Osaka/Japan, Vol III, pp 642-647
Committee Members (2009). Naval Ship Design, Report of Committee V.5, 17th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), Seoul, Korea, Vol 2: 259-308
Bohlayer, W, Ballé, J, Kaeding, P (2008). Naval Shipbuilding – Current Developmental Trends with Combatants and Combat Support Ships, European Security and Defence, Issue 03/2008, pp 25-34
Bohlayer, W, Ballé, J, Kaeding, P (2008). Aktuelle Entwicklungstrends bei Kampfschiffen und Unterstützungsschiffen, MarineForum, Vol 83, September, pp 12-20
Doig, R, Kaeding, P (2008). Mehrkörpersimulation: Kranladeoperationen an Bord von Schiffen im Seegang, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 102. Band, pp 220-227
Doig, R, Kaeding, P (2008). Multi-Body Simulation of a Loading Operation, HANSA, Vol 145, No 9, pp 165-169
Doig, R, Kaeding, P (2008). Multi-Body Simulation of a Loading Operation, 7th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT'08, Liège/Belgium, pp 364-371
Kaeding, P, Thieme, C, Ballé, J, Jürgens, D (2008). Practical Application of viscous CFD in Ship Design – Integration Study of a Submerged Waterjet, 9th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition, INEC 2008, Hamburg/Germany, pp 164-178
Doig, R, Kaeding, P, Okazawa, S (2007). Application Fields of a Multi-Material Eulerian Finite Element Method, International Conference on Computational Methods, ICCM 2007, Hiroshima/Japan
Doig, R, Kaeding, P (2007). Possible Fields of Application of Virtual Reality in Shipbuilding, 6th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT'07, Cortona/Italy, pp 142-148
Kaeding, P (2006). Strategic Research and Development, MECON Conference Proceedings, pp 68-70
Committee Members (2006). Naval Ship Design, Report of Committee V.5, 16th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), Southampton, UK, Vol 3: 273-294
Fujikubo, M, Kaeding, P, Olaru, DV, Pei, Z (2005). Development of ISUM Plate Element Considering Lateral Pressure Effects and its Application to Stiffened Plates, Trans West-Japan Soc Naval Arch, No 109, pp 25-35
Fujikubo, M, Kaeding, P, Pei, Z (2005). Idealized Structural Unit Method for Collapse Analysis of Stiffened Plate Structures, Proc Int Conf Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2005, Oslo/Norway, pp 385-394
Kaeding, P, Olaru, DV, Fujikubo, M (2005). Idealized Structural Unit Method for Collapse Analysis of Stiffened Plates under Thrust and Lateral Pressure, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol 9, No 3, pp 60-76
Kaeding, P, Olaru, DV, Fujikubo, M (2004). Development of ISUM Plate Element with Consideration of Lateral Pressure Effects and its Application to Stiffened Plates of Ships, Proc 9th Symp Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, PRADS, Lübeck-Travemünde/Germany, Vol 1, pp 148-155
Kaeding, P, Fujikubo, M (2003). Idealized Structural Unit Method for Collapse Analyses of Stiffened Plate Structures, Ship Technology Research, Vol 50, No 1, pp 23-33
Fujikubo, M, and Kaeding, P (2002). New Simplified Approach to Collapse Analysis of Stiffened Plates, Marine Structures, Vol 15, pp 251-283
Kaeding, P, Fujikubo, M (2002). New Simplified Model for Collapse Analysis of Stiffened Plates and its Application to Offshore Structures, Int J Offshore and Polar Eng, ISOPE, Vol 12, No 2, pp 126-133
Kaeding, P (2002). Simulation Based Design, MECON Conference Proceedings, pp 131-132
Kaeding, P, Mallon, F, Marschall, G, Palm, L (2002). Simulation Based Design – Meilensteine zum virtuellen Schiff, Schiff & Hafen, Vol 54, No 10, pp 159-163
Kaeding, P, Fujikubo, M (2001). New Simplified Model for Collapse Analysis of Stiffened Plates and its Application to Offshore Structures, Proc 11th Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, ISOPE, Stavanger/Norway, Vol IV, pp 398-405
Fujikubo, M, Kaeding, P (2000). ISUM Rectangular Plate Element with New Lateral Shape Functions (2nd Report) – Stiffened Plates under Biaxial Thrust, J Soc Naval Arch Japan, Vol 188, pp 479-487
Fujikubo, M, Kaeding, P, Yao, T (2000). ISUM Rectangular Plate Element with New Lateral Shape Functions (1st Report) – Longitudinal and Transverse Thrust, J Soc Naval Arch Japan, Vol 187, pp 209-219
Hadzic, I, Muzaferija, S, Peric, M, Xing, Y, Kaeding, P (2000). Predictions of Flow-Induced Motions of Floating Bodies, Proc 3rd Numerical Towing Tank Symp, Tjaernoe/Sweden
Kaeding, P, Bertram, V (1998). Quantitativer Abgleich – Fertigungs- und hydrodynamische Aspekte im Schiffsformentwurf, HANSA, Vol 135, No 6, pp 49-56
Kaeding, P (1997). Ein Ansatz zum Abgleich von Fertigungs- und Widerstandsaspekten beim Formentwurf, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 91. Band, pp 272-276
Kaeding, P (1996). Unbemannter Seetransport – Diskussion technischer und wirtschaftlicher Aspekte, Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft (STG), 90. Band, pp 292-294
Kaeding, P, Bertram, V (1996). Artificial Intelligence for Ship Automation – Technical and Economical Aspects of Reduced Crews, ISBN 3-89220-572-8, IfS-Report 572, October, Univ Hamburg