Category | Content |
Module denotation | Finite Element Method for the Analysis of Marine Structures |
Subtitle | MSF 3 097 |
Module denotation (German) | Finite-Elemente-Methode zur Berechnung maritimer Strukturen |
Credit points and amount of work |
6 180 hours |
Responsible for module |
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology Chair of Ship Structures |
Contact | Employees at Chair of Ship Structures |
Language | German |
Admission restriction | Non |
Module level | Master |
Mandatory participation restriction | Non |
Recommended participation restriction | Engineering Mechanics, Mathematics, Basics of Offshore and Ship Structures, Fundamentals of the Analysis of Marine Structures |
Assignment (Curricula) | M.Sc. Ship and Offshore Engineering |
Relationship to other professional modules | Recommended participation restriction for „ Selected Topics of the Analysis of Marine Structures“ |
Duration of module | 1 Semester |
Term of module | Every summer semester |
Educational objectives (expertise) | Students will be able to determine the nonlinear structural behaviour of marine structures. The knowledge of the strength reserve of structural systems is very important to ensure a save and economic design. The physics of different nonlinearities in structural mechanics will be explained. Kinematic nonlinear effects, material nonlinear effects and contact problems will be considered separately. The Finite Element Method (FEM) will be introduced to solve mathematical models of nonlinear physical problems in engineering analysis and maritime structural design. The main goal is to provide a basic knowledge of the FEM, that students are able to perform nonlinear structural analyses and to obtain a critical evaluation of the numerical results. The FEM is an essential numerical method for linear and nonlinear structural analyses and for many other engineering applications. |
Content |
1. Kinematic Nonlinear Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2. Material Nonlinear Problems in Engineering Mechanics 3. Contact Problems in Engineering Mechanics 4. Fluid-Structure-Interaction (FSI) 5. Finite Element Models 6. Finite Element Method for Dynamic Analyses |
Literature |
- Lecture Notes - K.-J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall, 2007 - O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005 - E. Lehmann, L. Zhang, Nichtlineares Verhalten von ausgesteiften Tragwerken, Springer, 1998 (in German) |
Lecture hours per week per semester (SWS) |
Lecture 2 SWS Seminar 2 SWS Total 4 SWS * If no further information is given, read the notes carefully. |
Lecture 1 | Lecture / Finite Element Method for the Analysis of Marine Structures |
Lecture 2 | Seminar / Finite Element Method for the Analysis of Marine Structures |
Learning | Study of subject related literature, Exercises, Recapitulation of lecture notes |
Amount of work for students |
Attendence 42 hrs. Preparation for lecture notes and seminars 28 hrs. Recapitulation of lecture notes 59 hrs. Exercises 21 hrs. Preparation for exam 30 hrs. Total 180 hrs. * If no further information is given, read the notes carefully. |
Prerequisites for exam | Exercises for exam |
Examination/Requirement for successful termination of the module (type and duration) | Oral exam (30 Minutes) |
Appointment for exam | Appointment for exam as given by specific study and examination regulations. |
Assessment of exam | Assessment of exam as given by specific study and examination regulations. |
Notes | Non |
Date of latest modifications | |
Editor | |
System number | 1551220 |
Status | Development phase |
Version | Version |