The main goal of the MAPRO project (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research) is to develop systematically attractive research and education portfolios for the maritime industry located in the region of Rostock. The project is characterized by the following objectives:
- focus on topics regarding the research program “Maritime Systems and Processes” at the University of Rostock in cooperation with companies in the local region
- collaboration of research teams with maritime companies in framework of innovative tasks and resulting research projects
- technology transfer from University of Rostock out to maritime companies
- education of young professionals due to a very close cooperation of the University of Rostock and maritime companies
In framework of the MAPRO project the responsibilities of the stakeholders of maritime industries should be intensified due to effective networking of SMEs and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology belonging to the University of Rostock. A systematic development of unique research profiles in the local region of Rostock has to be performed.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Pentscho Pentschew
Funded by:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Neptun Ship Design GmbH and many other companies in the region of Rostock