Laboratory: Marine Technology

Category Content
Module denotation Laboratory: Marine Technology
Subtitle MSF
Module denotation
Labor: Schiffs- und Meerestechnik
Credit points and
amount of work
180 hours
Contact Employees at Chair of Ocean Engineering, Chair of Modelling and Simulation, Chair of Ship Design and Chair of Ship Structures

Language German
Admission restriction Non
Module level B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering - Specialized
Mandatory participation restriction Non
Recommended participation restriction Basic knowledge regarding the modules “Mechanics 1: Static”, “Mechanics 2: Fatigue”, “Fundamentals of Ship Design”, “Ship and Offshore Structures”, “Fundamentals of Hydromechanics of Ships and Offshore Structures”.
Assignment (Curricula) B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Relationship to other professional modules Non
Duration of module 1 Semester
Term of module Every summer semester
Educational objectives (expertise) Students will adopt specialised knowledge and skills to perform experiments in the research field of ship and offshore technology. This includes both the knowledge of the underlying theory as well as the application of different experimental methods. For example students will study experimental methods for manoeuvring controllability and flow characteristics of ships and offshore structures. Furthermore, the structural behaviour will be part of the research activities.

Content 1. Fundamentals and Requirements
2. Resistance and Propulsion Tests
3. Experimental Methods for Manoeuvring Controllability and Vibrations of Ships
4. Wind Tunnel Tests
5. Structural Mechanical Tests

Literature - Lecture Notes
- Brix, J.: Manoeuvring Technical Manual, Seehafen Verlag, 1993.
Lecture hours per week per semester (SWS) Lecture 1 SWS
Seminar 3 SWS

Total 4 SWS

* If no further information is given, read the notes carefully.
Lecture 1 Lecture / Laboratory: Marine Technology
Lecture 2 Seminar / Laboratory: Marine Technology
Learning Study of subject related literature, Exercises, Projects, Recapitulation of lecture notes
Amount of work for students Attendence 60 hrs.
Preparation for lecture notes and seminars 20 hrs.
Recapitulation of lecture notes 49 hrs.
Exercises 21 hrs.
Preparation for exam 30 hrs.
Total 180 hrs.

* If no further information is given, read the notes carefully.
Prerequisites for exam

Examination/Requirement for successful termination of the module (type and duration)

Oral exam (30 Minutes)
Appointment for exam

Appointment for exam as given by specific study and examination regulations.
Assessment of exam

Assessment of exam as given by specific study and examination regulations.
Notes Non
Date of latest modifications  
System number 1500820
Status Development phase
Version Alpha